If you fit these descriptions, you may be more prone to divorce

It’s impossible to look at someone who is married and determine whether he or she will someday get divorced. However, you may fit certain category descriptions that researchers in Pennsylvania or elsewhere have classified as high-risk groups for divorce. It’s logical to assume that the more issues you can relate to, the greater your chances are that you and your spouse will decide to go your separate ways at some point in the future.

If that happens, it’s not as important why you chose to call it quits, as it is what type of support system you have to help you come to terms with the situation and move on in life. You’d likely feel relieved if you and your spouse can resolve all necessary issues and achieve a swift and amicable settlement. Things don’t always go that way, however, so it’s also good to have a plan of action in mind if a particular legal obstacle arises.

Issues that place you in the high-risk category

No two marriages are the same even if you and someone you know have a lot in common in your relationships. The following list shows issues that are often common among spouses who decide to end their marriages:

  • One or both spouses come from families where their parents got divorced.
  • The highest level of formal education in the home is high school or lower.
  • Your combined earnings are at or lower than the state median.
  • You and your spouse lived together before you got married.
  • You and your spouse became parents before your wedding took place.
  • Your marriage occurred when you were quite young.

People who have experienced one or more of these issues in life are likelier to divorce than others in their age group who do not share these things, all of which can prompt tremendous stress in life. When spouses argue over money or feel that they took on too much too soon, their relationship may not be able to withstand the pressure.

What type of support is available?

If your marriage is headed for divorce, you won’t want to wait until the last minute to prepare. It’s always a good idea to think ahead to the future so that you can determine what your financial, emotional and physical needs might be as you move on in life. Especially if you have children, you may want to connect with counselors, legal advocates and other support groups to help your family cope with the situation and to protect your rights and interests throughout your court proceedings.