How can you start the divorce process?

Making the choice to end your marriage is not an easy decision. This is something you have likely considered for months or years, and even if you are ready to move forward, you know there are legal, financial and emotional challenges ahead. One way you can make this process easier on yourself and your loved ones is to learn as much as possible about what to expect from a Pennsylvania divorce.

Even if you are sure you are making the right decision, you may not be sure what to do next. There are certain steps you can take that will help you prepare for divorce, and this preparation can make things smoother and less stressful as you move ahead. When you know what is ahead for you, you will be in a better place to pursue the best possible outcome and long-term security for yourself and your children.

The first steps

Once you’ve decided to divorce, the following steps may be helpful for you as you move forward and make decisions that will impact your future:

  • Securing legal counsel as early as possible in the divorce process will help you avoid missteps and decisions that may not be beneficial for you.
  • It is then helpful to start gathering documents and financial information that will be important when seeking a reasonable property division settlement.
  • You may want to close any remaining joint accounts and open new ones in your own name. This includes credit card accounts.
  • Start considering your post-divorce budget, where you can afford to live and what your lifestyle expectations are.

These initial steps in the divorce process will lay the foundation for additional choices you will make that will affect your future for years to come. It is in your interests to think long-term, not making decisions based on temporary emotions.

Your future at stake

Divorce is a complex process, and you will face certain choices that will affect your life in significant ways going forward. This is why it is prudent to have experienced guidance at every step, even before you file the initial papers. When you are well-prepared and knowledgeable about what to expect, you will be in a better position to pursue terms that make sense now and will provide you with stability and security in the future.